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Permatex® Super High Tack™ Gasket Sealant


Features and Benefits:

Non-hardening for easy disassembly. Keeps large gaskets in place during positioning and assembly. “Clean hands” formula won’t stain. Temperature range -65°F to 400°F (-54°C to 204°C); resists engine fluids including diesel fuels and synthetic oils.


For light duty and semi-permanent assemblies:

  1. Apply Permatex® High Tack to both surfaces; allow to dry until “tacky.”
  2. Press parts into position. Avoid stress on bonded parts for 3 hours.

For heavy-duty and permanent assemblies:

  1. Apply Permatex® High Tack to both surfaces; allow to dry until “tacky.”
  2. Reapply to base surface and bond immediately. Avoid stress on bondedparts for 3 hours.
  3. Remove excess material with lacquer thinner (Do not use lacquer thinner on painted surfaces).


Suggested Applications: Seals rubber, cork, paper and composite gaskets, and hose connections.


